Decoding the Mystery of JSON Web Tokens: A Real-World Guide to Debugging Authentication Issues in Application Development

By michael

Published at: 7/12/2023, 11:18:43 PM

Decoding the Mystery of JSON Web Tokens: A Real-World Guide to Debugging Authentication Issues in Application Development


In the enthralling world of application development, one frequently encounters an array of challenges, each varying in their complexity and character. Amongst them, error debugging can often prove to be a labyrinth that winds and twists in unexpected directions. Today, I wish to recount a peculiar encounter with such a problem that centered around a seemingly capricious JSON Web Token (JWT). This JWT was functioning correctly for some operations (like create, delete, unpublish), while refusing to cooperate with the 'edit' operation. As the tale unfolds, I'll share the process, the discovery, and the resolution that came from this intriguing experience.

Phase 1 - Unveiling the Mystery:

Initially, the error messages we received were vaguely pointing towards issues with the JWT. It was akin to a detective story where all clues were indicating a single suspect - the JWT token. The narrative was, however, complicated by the fact that this suspect was performing flawlessly when tasked with 'create', 'delete', and 'unpublish' functionalities. Yet, the same JWT inexplicably seemed to falter when we tried to 'edit' a post. Thus, we were faced with a confounding paradox of the token behaving as both the protagonist and the antagonist in our story.

Phase 2 - Embarking on the Investigation:

In our quest to isolate the precise source of this peculiar behavior, we relied heavily on detailed server-side logs to meticulously trace the JWT's journey. Like a detective marking a suspect's movements on a timeline, we injected lines of code that would record the authorization header, decode the token, and return specific error messages. This approach not only gave us a clearer perspective but also helped distinguish the JWT handling issues from other potential culprits that might be at play.

Phase 3 - Excavating the Hidden Clues:

As we delved deeper, examining the JWT's payload with a fine-tooth comb, a significant clue emerged. The payload, to our surprise, was not containing 'id'. It was the 'userId' that was being utilised instead. Recognising this, we adjusted our server-side script to correctly fetch the userID from the token by altering (decodedToken as any).id to (decodedToken as any).userId.

Phase 4 - Revealing the Plot Twist:

Our detective work paid off when we stumbled upon the pivotal breakthrough - the authentication secret key used during the token verification process was not the same as the secret employed at the time of token creation. After rectifying this oversight and adjusting the token verification to use the correct 'SECRET_KEY', we saw the tide turn in our favour. The 'edit' operation, at last, fell in line and authenticated successfully.


Much like navigating a complex maze, tracking down errors, especially those tied to authentication, can prove to be a strenuous task. However, the key lies in maintaining a meticulous approach, logging, and evaluating every step of the function under scrutiny. Our journey with the JWT token has been a testament to the power of thorough debugging and persistent investigation.

As a result of this experience, we not only triumphed over the token verification problem in the 'edit' operation but also fortified our application's robustness by amplifying its error logging mechanism.

The wisdom gathered from such experiences is priceless, and sharing it broadens the learning horizons for all. It is my sincere hope that our experience can guide others embarking on similar voyages, casting a beam of light on the correct handling of JWT and the indispensability of accurate troubleshooting. After all, navigating through the ever-winding paths of problems becomes a tad less chaotic when you have the benefit of lessons learned!